September 28, 2016


Untitled-1Seeds of Faith Ministries has been established since 1988 and is the the life dream off the founders Mr. & Mrs. Jack Evans. Their vision was to see their community come alive again by working with the youth, our future of tomorrow. The faith based Non-Profit organization which started out as a Sunday prayer group with ten parents and children has helped the community in a multitude of ways. The programs is centered on families as a whole unit, working together to strengthen each other, by planting one seed at a time. All while serving God and following the principals of the Bible.

Seeds of Faith established a Scholarship program in 1991 giving a $500-$1000 bond a year to a worthy student at Farrell High School to achieve their dreams by furthering their education. We sponsor activities, field trip seminars’, and workshops for adults and youth! All while adhering to the motto, “Where two or three touch and agree there God will be also.”

Seeds of Faith Ministries has a vision for the the community and in the words of Lynette Evans “We will continue the dream by taking back our community and working together and establish positive programs and continue to be role models for our youth. Without a dream you have no vision or hope.”